Pantone Color of the Year for 2013: Emerald

I’m Claire Voyant! I subconsciously knew that they were going to choose Emerald green as the color of 2013 ;) I have been loving this color for the Fall/Winter season and have been incorporating it not only in my wardrobe, but makeup as well. Emerald green to me is such a strong, vibrant, bold, and ‘notice me’ color that looks amazing on everyone – it’s almost a Universal color if you will. It is said that “green is the most abundant hue in nature – the human eye sees more green than any other color in the spectrum.” So naturally one is attracted to the beautiful hue and in regards to fashion, it is a color that will give someone confidence and get noticed no doubt! Here’s an article by the LA Times today about it:,0,4276579.story

How will you wear this color? Here are a few thrifted examples that I’ve worn recently (notice the Emerald eye shadow used as eye liner to create a ‘cat eye’ effect – pretty nifty if I do say so myself):


Outfit from top to bottom: 

Express shirt dress, Freestyle Clothing thrift store, $10, Belt gifted from a friend’s wife, vintage heels, SPCA thrift, $10

Eye makeup from, believe it or not, from the Canned Food Grocery Outlet! (it came with a whole palette of colors in the compact, the brand is Elf and was $3.99!)

Long Grecian style dress, Deseret Industries, $8, Gold necklace, Goodwill, $5, Gold cocktail ring, Freestyle Clothing thrift store, $5, Vintage beaded purse, Freestyle Clothing thrift store, $15, and Ninewest gold heels, Freestyle Clothing thrift store, $10

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